
Results of HIV testing strategies to increase case detection among Haitian migrants and their descendants in Dominican Republic


BACKGROUND: The USAID-funded HIV System Strengthening (HS3) project supports HIV prevention and treatment services for focus clients (FCs) at the community and facility levels in the Dominican Republic. FCs, defined as Haitian migrants and their descendants, are mobilized through the peer network and offered HIV testing service (HTS) at the community and facility levels.
DESCRIPTION: HTS is offered to FCs through the enhanced peer outreach approach (EPOA), index testing, and walk-in testing. EPOA uses performance-based incentives and works through social and sexual networks, whereby peer mobilizers reach out to their social and sexual networks to encourage peers to get tested. Index testing refers to offering HTS to the partners and biological children of HIV-positive clients. These three testing modalities were concurrently rolled out in January 2020. We describe the contributions of EPOA and index testing and compare baseline (January'March 2020; Q2 FY20) to endline data (October'December 2020; Q1 FY21).
LESSONS LEARNED: From January to December 2020, the project tested 41,875 FCs and diagnosed 1,752 as HIV positive. Over three quarters, the number of FCs tested and those found to be positive increased. HIV positivity higher from index (14%) than from EPOA (6%) overall and at every quarter (14% vs. 7% in Q3 FY20; 11% vs. 5% in Q4 FY20 and 17% vs. 7% in Q1 FY21 respectively). Despite a low positivity, EPOA contributed more positives (37%) than index testing (16%) overall and for every quarter (32% vs. 14% in Q3 FY20; 38% vs. 25% in Q4 FY20 and 50% vs. 16% in Q1 FY21 respectively). EPOA and index testing were more efficient strategies, than other testing modalities (positivity 3%) and contributed to 53% of positives (Table 1).

Time periodEPOAIndex TestingOther Testing TotalEPOA Contribution Index Testing ContributionOther Testing ContributionPositivity Rate(Yield)

TestedHIV PositiveTestedHIV PositiveTestedHIV PositiveTestedHIV PositiveTestedHIV PositiveTestedHIV PositiveTestedHIV PositiveEPOAIndex TestingOther TestingTotal

January'March 2020
(Q2 FY20)

April'June 2020
(Q3 FY20)

July'September 2020
(Q4 FY20)

October'December 2020
(Q1 FY21)


CONCLUSIONS: EPOA is an effective testing approach and increased the number of HIV-positive FCs identified. More effort is needed to scale up index testing and ensure that it is rolled out with fidelity to maximize its potential in the DR.