
Virological failures and genotypic resistance in children and adolescents randomised to dolutegravir-based ART vs. standard-of-care in the ODYSSEY trial


BACKGROUND: ODYSSEY demonstrated superiority of dolutegravir (DTG) based ART versus standard-of-care (SOC) in children '¥14kg starting first- and second-line. We describe virological and drug resistance outcomes by 96 weeks.
METHODS: Virological failure (VF) was defined as confirmed viral load (VL)'¥400c/mL after week 36 or lack of virological response by week 24 with ART switch. Participants with VF were retrospectively tested for post-failure resistance; the corresponding baseline sample was sequenced if '¥1 major IAS mutation was identified.
RESULTS: 311 children started first-line ART (154 DTG, 157 SOC [92% efavirenz]) and 396 started second-line (196 DTG, 200 SOC [72% lopinavir/r, 25% atazanavir/r]). On first-line, 11(7%) DTG vs. 30(19%) SOC experienced VF by 96 weeks, and on second-line, 31(16%) DTG vs. 40(20%) SOC.
First line ART: No participants on DTG had a major IAS drug resistance mutation post-failure. In SOC 18(62%) participants had at least one NRTI, 27(93%) NNRTI and none had PI mutations (Table). Of 13 with resistance post-failure and a baseline resistance test, all developed at least one new NRTI mutation and 18(95%) developed new NNRTI resistance.
Second line ART: Similar proportions in both arms had at least one major mutation post-failure (DTG 22(79%), SOC 35(90%)). In the DTG arm, 4 developed INSTI resistance (3/4 were on twice-daily zidovudine/lamivudine) and 1 had a new PI resistance mutation, not identified at baseline. In SOC, 3 participants developed new NNRTI resistance and 1 new PI resistance (Table).

Table: Genotypic resistance in the ODYSSEY trial

First-line ARTSecond-line ART

Participants with resistance post-failure ƪ
0/11 (0%)
0/11 (0%)
0/11 (0%)
0/10 (0%)
18/29 (62%)
27/29 (93%)
0/29 (0%)
20/28 (71%)
21/28 (75%)
2/28 (7%)
4/22 (18%)
28/39 (72%)
35/39 (90%)
2/39 (5%)
Participants with emergent resistance, of those with resistance post-failure ƪƪ
13/13 (100%)
18/19 (95%)
0/16 (0%)
0/18 (0%)
1/2 (50%)
4/4 (100%)
3/23 (13%)
3/26 (12%)
1/1 (100%)
ƪPost-failure resistance up to week 96, using the latest sample with VL'¥1000c/mL after failure and prior to treatment change. Major IAS drug resistance mutations defined according to 2019 update of the IAS drug resistance mutations. Percentage with resistance post-failure, of those with virological failure by week 96 and post-failure resistance test available for drug-class (integrase gene not sequenced for SOC arm).
ƪƪPercentage with emergent resistance (at least one new IAS mutation detected post-failure compared to baseline sample), of those with resistance post-failure and baseline resistance test available for drug-class.
*4 participants with emergent INSTI resistance: 2 Q148R/K, 1 G118R, 1 G118R+R263K,

CONCLUSIONS: ODYSSEY demonstrated that DTG has a high genetic resistance barrier and prevents emergent resistance to NRTIs in children. We identified no post-failure resistance to any drug class among children initiating first-line DTG, significantly less than first-line SOC. Among those on second-line DTG, there was no new NRTI resistance, however 4 children developed new INSTI resistance, highlighting the need for ongoing adherence support among children starting second-line ART.