C18A novel tool to estimate HIV-incidence in mothers living in resource-limited settingsE-posterNovel studies to measure HIV incidence
C18HIV incidence in postpartum period: findings from Uganda's national PMTCT Impact Evaluation (PMTCT-IE) 2017-2019E-posterNovel studies to measure HIV incidence
C19Managing HIV infection in the COVID-19 era. The cascade of care as tool to evaluate the effectiveness of city-wide programs against HIV/AIDSE-posterMeasuring the epidemic through population-based surveys, including the undiagnosed fraction
C19Estimates of undiagnosed children living with HIV in Eswatini, Malawi, Tanzania and Zambia using the Population HIV Incidence Assessments (PHIA)E-posterMeasuring the epidemic through population-based surveys, including the undiagnosed fraction
C19Older persons living with HIV (OPLWH) aged 50+ make more progress toward the UNAIDS 90-90-90 targets in four African countriesE-posterMeasuring the epidemic through population-based surveys, including the undiagnosed fraction
C19Risk factors of recent HIV infection among sexually active women in 13 sub-Saharan African countries: results from the Population-based HIV Impact Assessment, 2015-2019E-posterMeasuring the epidemic through population-based surveys, including the undiagnosed fraction
C19COVID-19 pandemic on intimate partner violence; victimization and perpetration in the context of a generalized HIV epidemic in UgandaE-posterMeasuring the epidemic through population-based surveys, including the undiagnosed fraction
C20Accelerating progress towards the United Nations' 90-90-90 target: the impact of a province-wide HIV Treatment-as-Prevention-based initiative in British Columbia, CanadaE-posterMeasuring the population impact of prevention and treatment interventions
C20Zimbabwe's progress toward the UNAIDS 90-90-90 targets: comparing 2016 and 2020 population-based surveysE-posterMeasuring the population impact of prevention and treatment interventions
C20Differential reductions in HIV clusters' effective reproductive number following population level interventions in British Columbia, CanadaE-posterMeasuring the population impact of prevention and treatment interventions
431 - 440 of 870 items